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Bulbs- Get ‘Em in the Ground!

By Paul James

Yeah, you read that right. It’s time to plant spring-flowering bulbs. There’s really no point in waiting any longer. And there’s really no point in planting some now and some later. Why not just get the job done in one fell swoop?

And besides, if you’re going to mix bulbs in the same planting area – which is a great way to grow them – then why would you want to plant daffodils now and tulips or hyacinths or whatever two weeks from now? It doesn’t make sense. And the truth of the matter is the bulbs will be better off in the ground than sitting in your garage or on a store shelf.

According to every source I’ve contacted – from Piet Stuifbergen of Stuifbergen Bloembollen Export (Southwood’s exclusive supplier of bulbs) to the people at The Netherlands Flower Bulb Centre to our friends at OSU, the time to plant is now. And you can continue planting until the ground freezes, which may be November and might even be December.

So, sound the alarm. Tell your friends and neighbors. The time to plant bulbs is now. Or this weekend, anyway.