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Fall Color at its Best

By Paul James

Looking for trees and shrubs that’ll produce jaw-dropping, car-stopping fall color? Well after careful consideration and discussions with several fellow plant geeks whose opinions I respect, I came up with a list of three trees and three shrubs that’ll do just that. And here they are.

Sure, there are many, many more trees and shrubs that I could add to the list, but assuming you’re interested in giving your place a pop of color this fall, I wanted to simplify the decision-making process. And the simple truth is, you can’t go wrong with any of those on the list.

2 responses to “Fall Color at its Best”

  1. Mike says:

    Add a Sugar Maple tree !!
    My favorite

    • Paul James says:

      And a great choice, for sure. However, I went with the recommendations of my fellow geeks and although that tree was on the list, it didn’t make the cut.