dig up a deal
Check out the what’s on sale at the Garden Center!
Just when you thought you were done planting!
Instagram @SouthwoodTulsa
‘Dark Knight’ Caryopteris is a big hit among gardeners, bees, and butterflies. Fragrant blossoms last through fall. Will grow to about 3′ in full sun. Only $9.99. #caryopteris #darkknight #pollinators #bees #butterflies #fragrant #fallseason #fall #coloryourgarden #plantlife #gardengoals #gardenlife #southwoodtulsa
Ornamental cabbage and kale are a fall favorite, and we’ve got plenty of both. Did we mention they’re oh so easy to grow? #ornamental #cabbage #kale #fallseason #easytocarefor #tulsa #plantlife #gardengoals #gardenlife #southwoodtulsa
Our first batch of Southwood Grown pansies arrived today! Be the first on your block to plant these cool-season, seasonal-color favorites. #pansies #southwoodgrown #homegrown #coloryourgarden #fallseason #plantlife #gardengoals #gardenlife #southwoodtulsa
Our 3rd annual NPR Appreciation Party last night was a huge success. Special thanks to Jane’s Delicatessen, Mark Bruner, Ok, So Tulsa, all the volunteers, and all the faithful NPR/Public Radio Tulsa donors who attended. #npr #publicradiotulsa #tulsa #janesdelicatessen #catering #oksotulsa #partytime #southwoodtulsa
It may not feel like fall, but it can smell like fall! We have a wide selection of fall-scented candles, hand soaps, and lotions that are sure to get you in the autumn spirit. #fallseason #fall #fallscents #smellslikeautumn #autumnspirit #candles #handsoaps #handlotions #wishingforcoolweather #home #southwoodtulsa
Join Paul James for this seminar that will be an open discussion of several hot topics within the world of gardening, including the fear and confusion surrounding GMOs, the use of Roundup in the face of numerous lawsuits, the continuing decline of bee populations, and the potential effects of climate change on plants and pest populations. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/oh-no-its-a-gmo-tickets-73126731021?ref=elink
Join Paul James for this seminar that will be an open discussion of several hot topics within the world of gardening, including the fear and confusion surrounding GMOs, the use of Roundup in the face of numerous lawsuits, the continuing decline of bee populations, and the potential effects of climate change on plants and pest populations. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/oh-no-its-a-gmo-tickets-73126731021?ref=elink
Our long anticipated order from premier conifer-grower Iseli Nursery just arrived, and it includes some spectacular stuff, including the always popular miniatures. We think the quality of Iseli’s conifers – and Japanese maples, for that matter – is unsurpassed. We think you’ll agree. #iselinursery #conifers #plantlife #gardengoals #gardenlife #southwoodtulsa
A huge shipment of traditional pumpkins in a range of sizes has arrived. And we’ve got a great inventory of designer pumpkins too. We’ve also got all the fixins for a fabulous fall display, including straw bales, corn stalks, mums galore, and more! #pumpkins #traditional #jackolantern #fallseason #needthatfallweather #sweaterweather #comeon #fall #plantlife #gardengoals #gardenlife #decor #porch #patio #southwoodtulsa
Is there a category of plants on the planet that gives you more bang for your buck and lasting beauty than bulbs? No, says Paul James, who’s on a mission to convince as many people as possible that bulbs deserve a spot in every garden. Join us this Saturday at 10 a.m. for Paul James’ Bulb Seminar! Class is free, but registration is required. *link in bio*
“Viva Mexico!” Join us in celebrating Mexican Independence Day, for on this day in 1810, a priest named Miguel Hidalgo urged his people to revolt against the Spanish regime. #vivamexico #mexicanindependence #celebrate #onthisday #southwoodtulsa
Flickr @SouthwoodGC
Temperatures are ideal for planting pretty much everything that grows, especially trees, shrubs, perennials, and fall veggies.
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